X-Wiper is THE tool for prepping you disc, folder or SAN location for archiving/
The idea is to delete all files not needed for recreating the project at a later stage/
I.e. you don’t need to archive:
- projects render files
- events render files
- proxy files
- transcoded files (High Quality Media)
- optical flow
These are files that eat harddisc space, and they can all be recreated when the project needs to be restored/
FCPX 10.1:
Version 1.6 supports libraries
X-wiper, supports libraries, events and projects on discs, sparse images, SAN locations and home/movies folder/
You drag you top level folder/disc into the disc/folder area, click or use keyboard shortcuts/
X-wiper will then figure/calculate the sizes for renders, proxies, prores and analysing files/
You can now choose what to delete, just check and un-check. Clicking on the header for each column will do a check-all or un-check all function/
Then just press delete and confirm/